May 31, 1940
Princess Irene was baptized at Buckingham Palace
London – Because of the threat of war a baptism could not taken place so far, but today the moment was there. The baptism of the second daughter of Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard took place.
Princess Juliana , Prince Bernhard and daughters Princess Beatrix en Princess Irene earlier this month. Source: National Archives
Because fear of German air raids, the baptism took place secretly in London. The Britsch Royal couple insisted that baptism take place in the court chapel of Buckingham palace and so it was. Not surprising among the attendees except to the family, Queen Wilhelmina also included the English King George and his wife Queen Elisabeth. Queen Elisabeth was one of the godparents of the princess. Other godparents were the Dutch armed forces. Baptism was performed by reformed pastor of the Dutch Church in London, Pastor J. van Dorp and the English court pastor.
Pastor J. van Dorp spoke about the text John 14:27 “Peace I leave you, my peace I give you; not as the world gives it, I give it to you. ” He quoted that the name Irene was a name of hope for peace. That hope was not fulfilled, but the preacher said, it remains a representation of the ardent wish. The peace of Christ can also be experienced in the storm and this child will have to find that peace. He called on Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard not to seek the peace of the world for their child, but to teach her to “go the hard, the strict, the narrow way, for this is the only way that leads to life.”
He conclude the ceremony with a wish and a blessing: “That that peace should be given to you both richly and multiplied. We ask that of God. We offered this to you: the Lord bless and protect you. He makes his face shine upon you, and be merciful to you. He exalt His face over You and grant You peace. Amen.’
In the series ‘Back to …’ a look back at events in the form of a newspaper report. For the information in this article I used Digibron